Blum s.r.l.

Via delle Magnolie, 6 63076 Monteprandone (AP)

C.F./P.IVA: 02222800449 - REA: 200555 - Cap. Soc.: € 50.000,00


Commercial Office:

Mon / Fri: 9:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 18:30

Telefono BagnoItalia0039 393.7383930

Telefono BagnoItalia0039 320.4062879

Technical Office:

Mon / Fri: 15:00 - 18:00

Telefono BagnoItalia0039 392.0634786



Orario BagnoItalia 0039 0736.091312


Te receive by appointment only calling the number 0039 392.0634786

Visit the Showroom page.

Information Request

All the data provided will be processed in accordance with the methods provided for by the provisions of law number 196 of 30/06/03. BLUM s.r.l. is authorized to use such data for sending promotional material relating to its products and services. All the information provided will not be disclosed for any reason to entities and / or companies other than the companies mentioned above.

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